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In order for channels or personal profiles of employees to have high recognition and comply with the design guidelines, you can find banner images here.
The format of your posts depends on the social media platform. You just need to keep the essential elements of our brand image in mind at all times.
To promote a consistent look and feel, templates for posts have been created which can be used. You don’t have to use tehm in every post, nor should you.
Also, you don’t have to brand every post with a logo. The channel generally identifies the content’s author, and the Group of brand logos will often be found in the images you use.
Employees who are active on social media are not only acting as private individuals, but can or will also be associated with the company.
To make sure that their activities do not harm the Coroplast Group, they should review their activities according to the Social Media Guidlines.
The guidelines are to be made available to all employees.