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Basic elements Claim

Our program claim is closely related to the program name and expresses the content of the WeCare program - Employees are the most valuable asset of the division and that is what the program is all about. Our claim is used in the local language so that it and the content of WeCare can be understood by the target groups all over the world.

We care about you.

WeCare Claim


The claim "We care about you." will be incorporated into communications in each country's language.

The specified translations are

China 关爱你我
Molavia: Ne pasă de voi
Mexico: Cuidamos de ti o Te cuidamos
Tunisia: نحن نهتم بك


The claim can be used in all media but does not have to be. Its ideal placement is determined based on graphic aspects – but never directly next to the logo.
In spite of the claim's local language, the WeCare logo is always used in English, because it is a pure logo / image.


The claim is always set in Helvetica New Italic without character spacing.